
Angioendothelioma is a rare tumor arising from the endothelial cells of blood and lymph vessels.

Etiology and pathogenesis
The causes of angioendothelioma are not completely clear. Presumably, the basis is disturbances in genes that control the growth and division of endothelial cells.

Clinical manifestations
Clinically, angioendothelioma manifests itself as a slowly growing nodular formation in the subcutaneous tissue or internal organs. The liver, spleen, bones and soft tissues are most often affected. The tumor can reach large sizes, squeezing and infiltrating surrounding tissues.

Diagnosis is based on biopsy and immunohistochemical studies.

The main treatment method is surgical removal of the tumor. If complete resection is not possible, radiation and chemotherapy are used. The prognosis depends on the size, location and possibility of radical removal of the tumor.

Thus, angioendothelioma is a rare disease that requires an integrated approach to diagnosis and treatment. With timely detection and adequate treatment, the prognosis can be relatively favorable.