
*Blueberries are a unique herbal ingredient that is very popular among consumers due to its beneficial properties.*

*Russia produces several varieties of blueberries, each of which has its own unique properties. One of the main blueberry producers, Russia, produces several different varieties of blueberries.*

Blueberries, country of origin - Russia - Biotika - S, Russia (2019) - Apex, Russia

One of the producers of Russian blueberries - Biotika-s - has been on the market for more than 6 years and offers a range of blueberry products for human health. Other Russian blueberry producers include the Ivan-Chai and Lek S pharmacies along with Tekhmedservis.

All countries produced several types of blueberries, each with their own special characteristics. Blueberries have many benefits and beneficial properties for our body. It has a beneficial effect on our body in various diseases and health problems. Some of them are described below.

Blueberries for health: properties

There are many reasons why

Blueberries are a unique natural resource that is widely used in medicine and pharmaceuticals. In this article we will look at various blueberry manufacturers, their medications, as well as side effects and contraindications.

Blueberries can be obtained not only from their berries - leaves, stems or roots of the plant, but also from powders, tablets, capsules and other dosage forms produced by various companies from different countries. The most famous is Biotika Russia, which uses a dietary supplement (BAA) from wild berries to treat certain diseases. Producing countries of blueberries: Ukraine, Russia. In addition, there are several other