Scabies Moves

Scabies are winding passages that female scabies mites make in the stratum corneum of human skin. These passages are the main symptom of scabies. The scabies mite lives on human skin and feeds on dead epidermal cells. The female mite lays eggs in the scabies tract. As a result of this, small bubbles are formed in which mite larvae develop. After some time, the larvae turn into adults and begin to continue the life cycle. As a result of their vital activity, red spots and itching appear on the skin.

Scabies can come in different sizes and shapes. They can be short and narrow or long and wide. Scabies can be spread from one person to another through shared objects such as towels, bedding and clothing. Therefore, it is very important to practice good hygiene and wash your hands regularly.

If you have symptoms of scabies, you should consult a dermatologist. He will conduct an examination and prescribe treatment. Treatment for scabies may include the use of special ointments and creams that kill mites and their larvae. Antihistamines may also be used to reduce itching.

It is important to remember that scabies is a contagious disease and can be transmitted to other people. Therefore, if symptoms of scabies appear, you should consult a doctor and begin treatment as soon as possible.

Scabies is the most characteristic sign of scabies, and all other symptoms of the disease only confirm its presence. It is a kind of scar on the skin of a person or animal, left by a female tick, which with its mouthparts made an intradermal puncture or even several punctures. In any case, the mite cannot gnaw through the dermal tissue to get out, so usually the female gnaws through the wall of the follicle (vesicle).

What does a move consist of? A female tick chooses her victim as a sexual partner and makes a “road” to him. To do this, she uses a special egg passage, which ends in a short or long, many-branched passage - the so-called reproductive track. The end of the scabies tract is the exit point for the mites and the female.