Chicken sarcoma virus

Chicken sarcoma virus (Rakta sarcoma virus, Rous Sarcoma Virus, RSV) is a retroviral oncogenic virus of the oncovirus group that causes sarcoma in chickens. The virus produces oncoproteins that cause neoplastic transformation of cells, and gets its name from the malignant neoplasm that develops due to similar changes in chickens caused by it. More than 500 studies have been conducted on the causative agent of Kura's sarcoma (Sarkoma Musti) and it has been established that it belongs to the Retro family, which contains about 80 species.

The virus belongs to the group of avian oncogenic retroviruses and is currently considered to be a carcinoma virus in birds and very similar to sarcoma virus in other vertebrates such as rodents, including mice. Retroviruses, viruses belonging to the Retrovir family