Reticuloendotheliosis Epithelioid Cell Chronic

Reticuloid x (RTX) is a family of disruptive restrictive pulmonary syndromes (DS) that appear to have different etiologic origins and may share the same clinical presentation associated with respiratory failure, poor growth, and infectious complications. They are characterized primarily by a long period of breast formations, including pulmonary lesions, alveolar macrophages and lymphocytes, and bone marrow lesions, which are often asymptomatic throughout the patient's life. The development of PET manifests itself in children two years of age and older. Episodes of respiratory distress in infancy and/or early childhood are not typical for retroviruses that cause PET. It makes sense

Reticuloendothelial rash is a chronic condition characterized by benign enlargement of the lymph nodes, spleen and liver, accompanied by pain and bloating in the abdomen. In this case, rashes of different sizes may appear on the skin - from a few millimeters to three to four centimeters.

Epithelial cell (chemically dependent) granuloma is a clinical and morphological variant of granuloma in which the predominant cells are giant cells of the Azure-eosin Granule (AEG) type.