Childbirth Timely

Timely delivery: This is a term used to describe a birth that occurs at a predetermined time, such as dawn or late evening. Birth may be timely because a woman has decided to give birth to her baby at a specific time to provide the baby with the best conditions for growth and development. For example, if a woman knows that her baby will be born late at night, she may request that the birth occur at that time so that she can be with him during the birth and provide him with the necessary nutrition and care.

However, it should be taken into account that timely delivery can also occur by chance. If a woman did not know that she was about to go into labor, but suddenly felt symptoms, then she can choose the time for labor herself. In this case, doctors talk about "timely delivery" and usually warn the woman about the possible risks and problems associated with this process.

Although some people believe that timely delivery is the best option, others believe that it carries a high risk for mother and baby. The decisive factor is the woman’s health status. If she feels well and has no illnesses, then the birth will take place on time without complications. As in any other case, the success of childbirth depends on how professional and competent the medical team providing assistance during childbirth is. Therefore, if you are planning childbirth in advance, make sure that the doctor and hospital you choose are equipped with modern equipment and qualified specialists, regularly take advanced training courses, and attend conferences with presentations by the world's leading experts in obstetrics and gynecology. You may also consider having a caesarean section ahead of time if you think it is necessary. This will reduce the risks for you and your baby.

In addition, when


Rarely does anyone rejoice and be proud of their pregnant state. And it’s completely in vain. After all, how a woman survived the nine months of intrauterine development of her baby also depends on her health. What if not the most natural physiological process, such as childbirth, can contain so much medical factor in 9 months and actually have a “panic button” for health? Let's begin!

When a new person is born, he is the main indicator. Any unrest, all the prerequisites for something to go wrong, are immediately reflected in this indicator. Even the fact that a newborn reaches the minimum weight for a given stage of pregnancy, when the baby is born, his body may not be able to cope with the load of intrauterine life, and even plus - childbirth. Together, the child and his body tell us about the possible subsequent pathology of childbirth. Exacerbations of gynecological diseases also indicate a malfunction in a woman’s body and are again postponed in the form of doubts - is there a risk of prematurity? Is there a risk that the baby will be weakened and will not be able to cope with his not always favorable living conditions? Timely delivery is the key to the well-being of the baby and his mother. Every month for nine months, a mother can ask her gynecologist about the dynamics of the growth and development of the fetus, and at the same time find out how well her pregnancy is going. As soon as the amount of sugar in the blood returns to normal (and you can always check with your doctor what this is), blood pressure increases. You can even notice at nine months what color the mother’s mucus plug is. From the moment of this event, the countdown of 38-42 weeks of pregnancy begins. A woman prepares herself in advance for the upcoming birth, especially listening to the sensations in her body. Many people begin to think clearly before giving birth: “I know everything, I’m ready, I won’t be taken by surprise”! By the beginning of labor, it is advisable to pass all the tests; women especially often complain that the tests reflect a completely different pregnancy than the one that surrounds them. When preparing for childbirth, it is better to adhere to a strict diet. The diet supports lactation, regulates metabolism, and makes the intestines and stomach work actively. The diet of the first stage is tea with crackers, boiled beets and baked potatoes, which can be eaten in any combination. Then the food begins to change smoothly: steamed buckwheat porridge for breakfast; for lunch – sva