
Etimizole is a drug from the group of psychomotor stimulants, a derivative of purine and imidazole pharmacological group. It is known for its ability to stimulate breathing, especially during poisoning with drugs and painkillers, as well as during surgical or general anesthesia.

Produced in various countries, including Russia, Ukraine and other countries. The main active ingredient of the drug is imizol.

The drug is used to treat various diseases of the respiratory tract, such as hypoventilation of the lung tissue with atelectsis and asphyxia, as well as anti-inflammatory and bronchodilation therapy for bronchial asthma and polyarthritis and other diseases associated with breathing disorders.

However, the drug has contraindications for use, including severe depression of the nervous system, psychomotor and mental agitation, insomnia, poisoning, severe hypertension, atherosclerosis and cardiovascular diseases, glaucoma and eye