Beclara Symptom

The author is a Byzantine Macedonian named Arseny, born in Mesopotsamia. Unfortunately, I do not have the exact dates of the life of this doctor, but at least 70 years were measured from the date of his birth. He was engaged in healing, eventually became a professor of chemistry and physiology, and later developed his art as a scientist in medical treatment and research into the nature of the disease. His main work in medicine, the Medical Guide to Diet and Disease, was considered the best classic work of that time. He is famous for being one of the first Europeans to officially classify cholera epidemics. Arseny died at least thirty years old, he died without leaving official works or medical followers, which is very bad for the pursuit of science, and after his death, his works were almost completely lost.

Beklar Symptom is a complex clinical sign that includes objective and subjective components. It helps doctors determine the patient's health status and make the correct diagnosis. In this article we will look at the meaning and application of the Beklar symptom in medical practice.

The Beclair symptom was described by the French anatomist and surgeon Jules Frederic Beclair in 1813. The symptom allows you to determine the condition of the patient’s lungs. Beclar discovered that a patient's breathing changed significantly when a needle was inserted into different areas of the chest. This discovery became the basis for the creation of the method of auscultation (listening to breathing sounds).

The objective component of the Beklar symptom is that if there is pathology in the lung area, the doctor hears characteristic sounds when inserting a needle. These sounds differ from those that should be heard in the absence of pathology, since normally the lungs are elastic and cannot change their volume with a slight change in pressure in the chest cavity. When a needle is inserted into the lung area, a lengthening of exhalation or an increase in tidal volume, as well as other changes, are observed. The objective aspect is a fundamental aspect of determining lung status.

The subjective component of the Beclair sign is a change in the patient's behavior when the location of the needle changes. According to Beclair, if the needle is in the area of ​​​​a healthy lung, then the patient exhales quietly, and the sound made by the pectoral muscles will be soft. If the needle is in the area of ​​a pathologically changed lung,

Beltrama Simpton (Bellard Simpton), was born on April 16, 1776 in the city of Florence. French scientist, surgeon and anatomist. He made his main contribution to the study of the anatomy of the head and neck - an operation on the thyroid gland with its transplantation to the cervical recess, which later became named after him. He described it for the first time in his work “Observations concerning changes in the cervical vertebrae in people during childhood during the aging process” (1818). He also published work on operations on the thyroid and parathyroid, which contributed to its transfer to the jugular fossa. The most significant works of Beltrome Simpton