Symptom of Transverse Laughter

Symptom of Transverse Laughter: what is it and how to recognize it

The symptom of Transverse Laughter (LS) is one of the signs of myopathy, characterized by atrophy of facial muscles. This symptom is manifested by the absence of upward pulling of the corners of the mouth when laughing and can be used as an important diagnostic indicator.

Myopathy is a general name for several diseases that affect skeletal muscles and can lead to muscle atrophy. One of the manifestations of myopathy is a decrease in muscle strength and endurance, which can lead to difficulty performing everyday tasks such as climbing stairs or lifting heavy objects.

However, the symptom of Transverse Laughter may not occur in all patients with myopathy, and its presence is not the only criterion for diagnosing this disease. To accurately diagnose myopathy, it is necessary to conduct a number of additional studies, such as muscle biopsy and electromyography.

The symptom of Transverse Laughter can be caused not only by myopathy, but also by other diseases such as parkinsonism and dystonia. Therefore, if this symptom is detected in a patient, additional diagnostic analysis must be performed.

To recognize the symptom of Transverse Laughter, the doctor must carefully observe the patient while laughing. In this case, it is necessary to pay attention to the movements of the facial muscles and determine whether the corners of the mouth rise upward. If this does not happen, then this may indicate the presence of the symptom of Transverse Laughter.

In conclusion, the Transverse Laughter sign is an important indicator of myopathy, but its presence does not guarantee an accurate diagnosis of this disease. To accurately diagnose myopathy, additional studies are necessary. If you suspect this symptom, you should consult a doctor for additional diagnosis and treatment.

⠀ ❌ Symptom Transverse laughter is a rare facial deformity that causes interest in both corners of the mouth when a person laughs or smiles. This is a consequence of atrophy of the muscles of the lower jaw and tongue due to various pathologies, most often myopathies. ⠀ ✅When laughing crosswise, a person does not raise his upper lip. As a result, a “cracked” grin is formed - one corner of the lips is visually “separated”, the corners of the mouth are in different directions in comparison with the other; The upper lip is slightly distorted. Often this causes an aggravation of another facial pathology, for example, facial distortion. Laughing too hard and laughing with a “wrinkled” face quickly leads to facial expression disorders. To avoid this, healthy people should laugh with an open smile and ensure correct articulation (high tongue position when laughing). A person always feels harmony when his face is symmetrical. Then it radiates life and energy of youth instead of deadness.

With the help of this article, you managed to learn about this facial deformation, as well as express your disgust towards this phenomenon among people, showing by your own example your reluctance to admire this example. This deformation is ugly, because by causing emotions in other people, we can scare them and cause fear, panic, and mistrust in them

The symptom of transverse or deviation of the corners of the mouth is an anomaly during joyful laughter and is achieved with a certain position of the chin. In general, it is observed in a third of all patients with different types of MPS (muscular dystrophy) and is associated with the severity of the disease. Deviation of the corners of the mouth is the position of the jaws and corners of the mouth to the side. It is noted with the development of post-stroke muscle atrophy.