
Fibers are morphologically unlimited elements of the connective tissue of an animal organism, usually in the form of threads or plates. In this article we will take a closer look at human tissue fibers. To clearly understand the structure and properties of fibers, you should familiarize yourself with their structure, in particular with the elemental composition, size, shape and structure. Consider the following types of fabric fibers.

Muscle fibers. Connective and elastic tissues.

So, for example, muscle fibers are covered with a sarcolemma of membrane plasma, which acts as a kind of insulation. Inside the fibers are plasma and organelles. It is thanks to the membranes that the muscle relaxes (power fibers) or contracts (speed fibers). The fibers of this fabric have a thread-like shape. The diameters of plasma fibers vary from 20-60 nm. There are two types of muscle cells in the body - fibroblasts and myocytes (or muscle cells).

Hair and nails are composed primarily of keratin. It is a fibrous protein that has a unique property - strength. Keratin can withstand heavy loads. Despite the fact that nails are usually thin, there is probably nothing stronger than it. Only the bones (bladder chitin) are stronger. The skeleton, hair, and feathers of birds are built from keratin fibers. The nail matrix consists of the protein keratin, which is hair. The structure of such fibers looks like spider silk or sheep wool.