Chlormezanone (Chlormewpope)

Chlormesanone, also known as chlormesanone or chlormesolone, is a tranquilizer that is used to treat mild forms of anxiety and tension. It can also be used to reduce pain, muscle spasms, and premenstrual symptoms.

Chlormesanone is available in the form of tablets that are taken orally. It has several side effects, including drowsiness and dizziness.

Trancopal is the trade name for chloromesanone. Trancopal can only be used under medical supervision.

Chloromezecane (Chloromepheus) is a medicinal substance that is used to treat mild anxiety, tension, and premenstrual symptoms. It can also be used to reduce muscle pain and spasms.

Chlormesecan is a tranquilizer, meaning it acts as a sedative, reducing anxiety and restlessness. It can be given orally and its characteristic side effects are drowsiness and dizziness.

The trade name of chlormesacon is Tranquilex.

It is important to note that chlormesecan has some risks and side effects, such as drowsiness, dizziness, and allergic reactions. Therefore, before using any medicine, you should consult your doctor and follow all instructions for use.