Choose a Job

Let your child have a special jar with which he can choose his own chores while you are busy with chores. Once a week, together with him, write down on small pieces of paper tasks that the baby is able to complete, and put them in a jar. First of all, these are the usual tasks - for example, making the bed, collecting blocks, throwing trash out of the basket, setting the table, putting away the dishes and dusting. However, for variety, add a new type of work every week. Children can wash the side mirror of a car, take apart a desk drawer, sharpen pencils, and wipe dust off books.

When they grow up, a jar with a list of household chores can become common to the whole family. However, while children are small, they can only be assigned work that is appropriate for their age.

Assistant Assistant

If the baby remains under the supervision of a nanny during the day, tell her about this jar and let them use it together.