
A chronic disease is an illness that lasts for a long time and has a negative effect on the human body. It often develops gradually, but is not always accompanied by obvious symptoms. As a result of a chronic disease, various complications can occur that can lead to disability or even death.

There are several different types of chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer, asthma, arthritis and many others. Chronic diseases have a significant impact on people's quality of life, so it is important to diagnose them promptly and begin treatment.

It is important to note that having a chronic illness does not mean that the illness will last forever. Many chronic diseases have the ability to go into remission, that is, the cessation of symptoms. However, patients and their loved ones need to be prepared for the fact that the disease can return at any time.

Chronic In English the translation means long lasting. The greatest danger is the slow transition of inflammation of the gastric mucosa into an ulcer and, over time, into cancer. This stage of development is more dangerous than the initial inflammation, since the ulcers form new ulcers that can spread throughout the stomach walls. Therefore, this disease is chronic and requires drug treatment. In addition, chronic gastritis can lead to type B gastritis. This disease is much more serious, which carries risks of premature death. Chronic gastritis of the stomach can also stimulate the appearance of other diseases of the internal organs and central nervous system. A gastroenterologist treats and prevents the development of the disease. Since he deals with gastrointestinal diseases, sometimes treatment is carried out together with a therapist and an endocrinologist. General recommendations for patients with gastritis 1. Stick to a diet. Fasting is bad for your stomach health. But overeating is also undesirable. It is important to monitor portion sizes and