What to do if you have bitten a person?

Snake bite is a fairly common problem among tourists and nature lovers. This snake prefers damp forests and swampy areas. The reptile itself is quite peaceful and is not the first to attack humans. But if disturbed, it can bite the offender. Whether a snake has venom depends on its variety, of which there are about a dozen.

Important! It's easy to see when a snake is about to bite. She begins to hiss and sticks out her tongue. In this case, you need to move away from the snake, then it will not attack. Contents of the article

Why is it dangerous for humans?

Most of these snakes belong to the family of non-venomous reptiles. The only exception is the tiger snake, which lives in Korea and Japan, in the Far East of Russia. Its teeth contain a poisonous substance used to paralyze insects and rodents. For humans, the snake's venom is less dangerous, but in susceptible people it can be fatal. The tiger snake got its name because of its specific color - along its entire length there are stripes of dark orange color, reminiscent of the skin of a tiger.

When bitten by a poisonous snake, it is of great importance what teeth the reptile used to pierce the human skin. The greatest amount of poison is contained in the teeth located deep in the jaw.

Simple non-venomous snakes live throughout Europe and Asia, excluding the polar regions. In Russia this is one of the most common reptiles. The snake prefers to settle closer to humans, choosing damp areas. But you can often see a grass snake basking in the sun. Representatives of the Colubridae family feed on small insects and frogs.

The bite is no longer dangerous to human health, much less his life. But in some categories of people, a bite can cause unpleasant symptoms that are easily treatable.

It will be useful to know the main differences between a snake and a viper, since these snakes are very similar to each other, but can be fatal to humans:

  1. it already has an oval head, the viper has a triangular head;
  2. the scales of the viper are matte and dark, while the snake has a bright color;
  3. the most noticeable difference between a non-venomous snake and a poisonous one is the presence of two bright yellow or orange spots on the first’s head;
  4. it already reaches a meter in length, and the viper is no more than 70 cm;
  5. The pupils of a poisonous snake are vertical, reminiscent of a cat’s, while those of a non-venomous snake are round

A frightened snake secretes a yellow liquid with an intense unpleasant odor from special glands - this is its way of defense. There are many varieties of snakes, but none of them, except the tiger snake, have dangerous poison. Some representatives of the colubrid family do not even know how to bite. This includes the water snake. Outwardly, it is very similar to a viper, but is not at all poisonous, and instead of teeth it has plates for grinding food.

If a person does not know which snake bit him - whether it was poisonous or not, or whether it was a completely different reptile - he must immediately seek medical help, describing the appearance of the snake.

Providing first aid for a snake bite

After an attack by a snake, even a non-venomous one, a person requires first aid. It consists of carrying out the following activities:

  1. Thoroughly wash the wound, if possible under running water;