
The ability of a living organism to respond to various kinds of stimuli coming from both the external and internal environment is called sensitivity. Thanks to sensitivity, which is based on sensations, knowledge of the surrounding world is possible. A person or animal receives information about the surrounding world and the internal state of the body thanks to special structures of the nervous system, which are designed to perceive certain influences, or irritations.

The apparatus that directly perceives any irritation or changes in the external and internal environment are receptors. They are nerve endings or specialized nerve cells located in the skin, mucous membranes or internal organs.

Depending on the location of the receptors, there are 3 types of sensitivity: exteroceptive (superficial), interoceptive (sensitivity from internal organs) and proprioceptive (muscular-articular).

Exteroceptive sensitivity is a superficial sensitivity that is perceived through receptors in the skin and mucous membranes; thanks to it, the body is able to respond to touch, pressure, temperature changes, and injection.

Interoceptive sensitivity is the sensitivity of internal organs and blood vessels, the receptors of which perceive changes occurring in the internal environment of the body.

Proprioceptive, or musculoarticular, sensitivity is sensitivity that is perceived by receptors located in tendons and muscles; With the help of these receptors, the body reacts to changes in the position of body parts in space.

In response to irritation of the receptors, signals (nerve impulses) arise in them, which are transmitted along sensitive nerve pathways to the brain, where the received irritations are analyzed and corresponding sensations arise: pain, temperature, sensation of touch, pressure, etc.

The great Russian physiologist I.P. Pavlov considered the receptors that perceive stimuli, the sensory pathways involved in their transmission, and the areas of the cerebral cortex that perceive certain sensations as a single system, which he designated by the term “analyzer.”

The main biological significance of receptors lies in their ability to respond to stimulation with excitation, which is transmitted in the form of an impulse to the brain, creating certain sensations.

The structure of receptors is extremely diverse - from simple nerve endings to complex specialized cells that perceive specific irritations.

The specialization of receptors is manifested in their adaptation to the perception of a certain type of stimulation and in their very high excitability, i.e. ability to be excited with minimal stimulus strength.

A common property of almost all receptors is adaptation, i.e. adaptation to the strength of the stimulus. Adaptation is manifested in a decrease in sensitivity to a constantly acting stimulus.

Changes in sensitivity (decrease or increase), its distortion or even complete loss occur in various diseases. Sensitivity disorders occur when receptors, nerve pathways and brain centers are damaged.

The nature of these disorders varies - from a slight decrease in sensitivity to its complete loss. Loss of sensation can lead to problems with movement, coordination, pain perception, and other vital functions.

Therefore, diagnosis and treatment of diseases accompanied by sensitivity disorders are of great importance for restoring human health.

Sensitivity, or sensitivity, is the ability to sense stimuli from the environment and respond to them. This is one of the key character traits of a person. It includes many emotions that we experience in various life situations.

First of all, the feeling of sensitivity is a conscious choice of the individual and it has a positive meaning for the individual. Sensitivity allows you to accept the needs of others and yourself with attention and compassion. After all, sometimes this is precisely the quality that distinguishes a person from a machine, that which creates uniqueness and ensures individuality. Sensitivity is necessary to maintain the integrity of the world and the normal development of relationships between people. Because only thanks to it is the absence of coercion and violence possible in relationships between people. High sensitivity does not mean that a person does not know how to set boundaries or demand their compliance. The ability to say “no” to another person when necessary, and the ability to defend one’s boundaries is also evidence of high sensitivity.