Cigetin Standard

Sigetin is a standard medical remedy for the treatment of female diseases associated with hormonal imbalance during menopause and stimulation of labor. It contains the active component - mesodiethylethanebenzenesulfonate dipotassium dihydrate. The drug has a wide range of applications and is used both in medical practice and at home to relieve the symptoms of menopause, improve mood, and reduce irritability.

Sigeten is produced in Russia at the GNIISKLS plant. As part of quality standards, the drug undergoes a series of laboratory tests before being released for sale. It has several synonyms: sigetin and mesogik.

Indications for use are symptoms of menopausal syndrome and fetal asphyxia during pregnancy. Contraindications include hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, massive blood loss in a pregnant woman, as well as premature abruption of a normally located placenta. Along with its effectiveness, Shigeten has many side effects, including nausea, vomiting, dizziness, jaundice, and severe bleeding.

There is a possibility of interaction with other drugs such as anticoagulants and antiarrhythmic drugs. However, the main feature of Sigeten is the interaction with staminal hormones (for example, testosterone or estradiol), which can reduce the efficiency of the adrenal glands.

The dosage and duration of use should be determined by the doctor individually for each patient based on the condition of the body. It has been noted that overdose can

**Sigetin: importance and application features**

Sigetin Standard is an estrogen drug that is used to treat various diseases associated with the female reproductive organs and functions. It is produced in Russia and has an international name - Potassium mesoethyldiethylenebenzenesulfate dihydrate. It has several analogues, including the following popular drugs: Duphaston, Miragent.

One of the main indications for the use of Sigetin is disorders in