
The name Cyclomania comes from the Greek words “cyclos” - circle, and “mania” - madness. Indeed, cyclomania is a mania for circularity; various diseases with this symptomatology are characteristic. For example, in his book “Handwriting and Personality,” the English psychologist G. Eysenck gives the following definition of “Cyclomania”: * “a person is closed, internally isolated, turning into a meaningless cycle of repetition of the same mental processes”* 1. Cyclophobia also manifests itself such symptoms as chaotic throwing, throwing from one extreme to another, chaotic ideas and actions. At the same time, they claim that such power over them is the norm. They are characterized by high self-esteem, anxiety and fear for the future, stubbornness and pride in themselves. They prefer loneliness and isolation because they are convinced that they do not have sympathy and understanding from other people

A cyclophrenic state is a state of psychosis that is characterized by an altered perception of the surrounding world and is accompanied by hallucinations, delusions and other mental disorders. In this article we will look at cyclophrenia in more detail.

A cyclophrenic cannot be called a completely safe person. It is impossible to imagine him being friendly and comfortable with his surroundings. Unexpected nervous outbursts, screams, aggression and the desire to kill others - this is what to expect from people with hallucinatory states. These include, in addition to the above, stubbornness, an uncontrollable angry state, the habit of starting to swear out of nowhere, chatting incessantly and other manifestations of psychosis. Other cyclophrenics are too sociable, loving and obsessively destructive. You can't trust them with your secrets. These people pathologically love to sort things out with others, they scold