
A cyclone is a machine that is used to remove unwanted air currents from a room. The cyclone consists of two parts: a housing and an impeller. The cyclone body is made of metal and has the shape of a funnel. The impeller allows air to be captured and directed to the center of the housing. A separator is installed inside the cyclone, which divides the air flow into two streams: external and internal. The external flow is directed in the direction opposite to the direction of rotation of the impeller, and the internal flow enters the inner part of the cyclone.

The principle of operation of a cyclone is based on Bernoulli's law, according to which the pressure in the flow decreases as the speed increases. When air enters the cyclone, its speed increases due to the rotation of the impeller and pressure on the walls of the housing. In this case, the air flow is divided into two parts: the external flow is accelerated and directed towards the direction of rotation of the impeller, which leads to its displacement. The internal flow enters the central part of the cyclone and is sucked into the separator through a nozzle with a diameter smaller than the diameter of the body. This creates negative pressure inside the cyclone and promotes the absorption of air from the environment.

The cyclone is used to clean the air from dust, dirt and other small particles that can pollute the environment. It is used in various industries such as mining, oil refining and metallurgy, as well as in medical institutions and laboratories.