Hyaline cylinders

Hyaline casts are protein formations that are found in urine. They have a blurred outline and are almost transparent. Normally, there can be no more than 20,000 such cylinders per day.

Hyaline casts are formed by the precipitation of proteins in the urine, which then join together to form a cylindrical shape. They can be caused by various diseases such as urinary tract infections, kidney disease, diabetes and others.

If the number of hyaline casts in the urine exceeds the norm, this may indicate the presence of kidney disease or other organs. Therefore, if a large number of hyaline cylinders are detected, it is necessary to consult a doctor for additional examination.

In general urine analysis, hyaline casts (syn.: hyaline, hyalinized urine) are the cells of the cylindrical epithelium of the renal tubules. Such cells serve as the main characteristic sign of the development of so-called nephrolithiasis, or urolithiasis - patho