Paralysis Spastic Spinal

Paralysis, such as Erb-Duchenne's palsy and Erb's palsy contracture, is caused by damage or obstruction of the spinal tract to the muscles of the arm and/or leg. The muscles that are susceptible to paralysis are connected to the spinal cord through underlying nerves that carry information from the spinal cord

Spastic spinal paralysis is one of the diseases of the central nervous system, which is characterized by developmental delay and uncontrolled movements of the limbs. This pathology manifests itself in people at a young age, when coordination of movements is not yet fully formed and the nervous system is not fully developed. But sometimes the disease can also occur in an adult. To treat such a disease, you need to consult a specialist and strictly follow the recommendations of doctors. Spastic spinal palsy belongs to a group of extrapyramidal movement disorders in which damage occurs to the part of the brain that controls muscle activity. As a result, paralysis develops. Gradually the disease progresses. Initially, the movement of the hip and knee joints is impaired, later - the upper limbs and fingers. The patient has problems with swallowing, speaking and breathing. Possible loss of coordination.

Spastic spinal paralysis (Greek παραλύσεια (paralussia) weakening, “para” + Greek στόμαχος (stomachus) belly, thoraco-abdominal cavity) is a clinical variant of spastic paralysis (paralysis caused by increased muscle tone and impaired muscle contraction), which is one of the most common severe chronic neurological diseases in the structure of spinal pathology, characterized by spastic mobility of the limbs with the formation of paresis and the development of contractures, which leads to the formation of vicious positions and long-term orthopedic and physiotherapeutic care for this disease. Paralytic muscular dystrophy, depending on the cause of development, can be associated with either degeneration or injury. The clinical picture is determined by the predominance of certain symptoms of the disease. One of the reasons for the development of the disease is acute toxicosis or toxic infection. The development of the disease occurs