Cystography Lacunar

Lacunar cystography is one of the methods for diagnosing diseases of the bladder and urinary tract. It allows you to obtain an image of the internal structures of the bladder and assess their condition.

Lacunar cystography is performed by injecting a special contrast agent into the bladder, which allows its internal structures to be seen on an x-ray. The patient must then hold the substance in the bladder for a certain amount of time, usually about 15 minutes.

After this, the patient returns to the doctor's office, where he has an X-ray of the bladder using a contrast agent. This allows you to get a clear image of the internal structures and assess their condition, as well as identify possible diseases.

One of the advantages of lacunar cystography is its high accuracy and information content. It allows you to detect even minor changes in the structure of the bladder, which may not be noticeable during a routine examination. In addition, cystography can be used to evaluate the effectiveness of treatment for various bladder diseases.

However, like any other diagnostic method, cystography has its drawbacks. For example, it may cause discomfort for the patient during the procedure and may also be associated with the risk of allergic reactions to the contrast agent.

In general, lacunar cystography is an important method for diagnosing diseases of the bladder and urinary tract, which allows one to obtain accurate information about the condition of the internal structures of the bladder.

Cystography is an x-ray method for diagnosing the condition of the bladder and urinary tract, used to assess the location, size, shape and structure of the bladder. It also includes its complications.

Cystography luctates are used to diagnose bladder tumors, as well as to study other pathologies of the urinary tract. They allow you to assess the extent and volume of the lesion and identify inflammation of the bladder. Cystography is an imaging test. Laboratory testing shows a color image of the bladder lining with a full and empty organ. It shows the affected areas of the organ. Their diagnostic value has been proven in several clinical trials. As a result of comparison of the results of cystography and cysto