
Cystoplegia (from the ancient Greek κῦστις - bladder and πλέγω - to strike, to strike), also Henne's maneuver - is a paresis of the lower part of the diaphragm and abdominal muscles, as a result of which the bladder takes an abnormal position and becomes mobile. Translated from the ancient Greek “cysto-, cistis” - bubble. Due to the fact that the scrotum assumes an elevated position, and the anterior walls of the abdomen protrude below the level of the pubic bones, in medicine it is customary to call this phenomenon the paravaginal position of the scrotum.

Cystoplegia (kinoclinicum) is a curvature of the cynicline, causing asymmetry of the bottom of the posterior fornix between the large foramina. Which doctor should you contact for cystoplegia?

If you suspect cystoplegia, you should immediately consult a coloproctologist. Adults are recommended to visit a doctor up to once a year for timely diagnosis of changes in the organ and drawing up a prevention plan. In practice, a proctologist may encounter three main types of cystoplegia: 1. Simple - the main form of the disease, which is accompanied by changes in the lining of the organ. With simple cystoplagia, asymmetry of parts of the small pelvis and abnormal narrowing of the lateral vaults can be diagnosed. This is important to know in order to exclude the possibility of disease. 2. First degree - rupture or abrasion of a small part of the organ shell. There is no need to treat the disease, but prevention is necessary. Here it is important to strengthen the muscular system of the organ and improve blood circulation through the vessels passing through