
Sigmoidoscopy is a method of examining the rectum and sigmoid colon using a special device - a sigmoidoscope. This method allows the doctor to examine the mucous membrane of the rectum and sigmoid region, identify inflammatory processes, ulcers, tumors and other pathological changes.

A sigmoidoscope is a tube with a lighting and magnifying device at the end. The doctor inserts a tube into the rectum and slowly moves it along the sigmoid until it reaches the end. In this case, the doctor can examine the mucous membrane and identify pathological changes, such as polyps, ulcers or tumors.

The advantages of sigmoidoscopy include the ability to quickly and accurately detect diseases, as well as the ability to biopsy tissue for further research. However, like any other diagnostic method, sigmoidoscopy has its drawbacks, such as discomfort and pain during the procedure, as well as the risk of damage to the mucous membrane if the equipment is used incorrectly.

In general, sigmoidoscopy is an important method for diagnosing diseases of the rectum and sigmoid colon, which allows timely detection of pathological changes and initiation of treatment. It is important to note that sigmoidoscopy should be performed only as prescribed by a doctor and after appropriate preparation.