Tsitovich Experience

Tsitovich (Tsitovich) is a Soviet otolaryngologist who made a significant contribution to the development of otolaryngology. He was born in 1869 and died in 1936.

Tsitovich was one of the first to use a microscope to examine the ear. He also developed a method for diagnosing ear diseases using a stethoscope. Tsitovich was also the author of many scientific papers devoted to the study of ear and throat diseases.

Tsitovich's work experience was very valuable for the development of otolaryngology in Russia. His research and diagnostic methods were widespread and are still used today.

In addition, Tsitovich was an active participant in public life and was involved in charity work. He helped people in need and organized medical courses for students.

Thus, Tsitovich's work experience is an important contribution to the development of otolaryngology and medicine in general. His scientific works continue to be relevant and useful for modern otolaryngologists.

Tsitovichenko experience Fedor Ivanovich Tsitovich is one of the first otolaryngologists in the Soviet Union. He was born in the city of Leningrad in 1868. He begins his career as a zemstvo doctor. Later he was transferred as a resident doctor to the Kazan hospital, where he worked for more than ten years. Then he was elected to head the department of otorhinolaryngology there.