City Physicist

City physicist (also known as stadt physicist) is a doctor's position in the cities of the Russian Empire in the 18th - 19th centuries.

The city physicist was appointed by local city authorities and was responsible for overseeing the sanitary condition of the city. His duties included monitoring the cleanliness of the streets, the quality of water and food products, and also providing medical care to the urban population.

The city physicist regularly traveled around the city, checking the condition of wells, markets, baths and other public places. He also inspected pharmacies and controlled the quality of drugs. In case of outbreaks of infectious diseases, the city physicist coordinated quarantine measures.

In addition, the city physicist provided medical assistance to city residents, mainly representatives of the poor. Usually there was a small hospital attached to the city physicist.

Thus, the city physicist performed important sanitary-epidemiological and medical functions in the cities of the Russian Empire until the reforms of the 1860s, when this position was abolished.