Cochlear Neuritis (Auditory Nerve Neuritis)

Cochlear Neuritis (Auditory Nerve Neuritis): causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Cochlear neuritis, also known as Acoustic Neuritis, is a condition characterized by hearing loss (impaired perception of sound) and the sensation of noise in one or both ears. This condition causes numerous problems such as difficulty communicating, low mood, anxiety and stress. The causes of Cochlear neuritis can be varied, including infectious diseases, atherosclerosis, metabolic and blood diseases, intoxication with drugs, nicotine, alcohol, mineral poisons, noise and vibration trauma.

Symptoms of Cochlear Neuritis

The most common symptoms of Cochlear neuritis include:

  1. Hearing loss in one or both ears
  2. Sensation of tinnitus (eg, buzzing, noise, whistling)
  3. Decreased or lost hearing
  4. Dizziness
  5. Nausea and vomiting (less often)

The course of the disease can be acute or chronic. In case of acute cochlear neuritis, the patient should be urgently hospitalized in order to take all necessary measures to restore hearing. For chronic neuritis, treatment is ineffective.

Diagnosis of Cochlear neuritis

An audiological examination is used to diagnose cochlear neuritis. The otoscopic picture usually does not differ from the norm. Differential diagnosis is carried out with mixed and cochlear forms of otosclerosis.

Treatment of cochlear neuritis

Treatment of Cochlear neuritis depends on the cause of the disease. If neuritis occurs as a result of an infectious disease or during it, then antibacterial agents are prescribed; intravenous infusions of glucose solution. In case of acute intoxication of the auditory nerve, diaphoretics (pilocarpine), diuretics and laxatives are prescribed. To reduce tinnitus, intranasal, intrameatal blockade with novocaine is used. In case of severe hearing loss, hearing aid is indicated.

In addition, vitamins B1 (B2, A, nicotinic acid, iodine preparations, aloe extract, ATP, cocarboxylase, and acupuncture can be used to improve the patient’s condition.

In conclusion, Cochlear Neuritis (Auditory Neuritis) is a condition that can lead to serious problems with hearing and quality of life. To determine diagnosis and treatment, you must consult an otolaryngologist. Prompt medical attention can help restore hearing and reduce the negative impact on the patient's life. Take care of your health and look after your hearing, this is very important for a full life.