Colitis Ischemic

Ischemic colitis is an acute or chronic disease characterized by the occurrence of pain along the intestine in the absence of organic gastrointestinal pathology or its probable exclusion. The diagnosis can be made without its “instrumental” confirmation in the presence of strict anamnestic and clinical data. The disease requires diagnosis, timely diagnosis and treatment, which in most cases allows the pathology to be eliminated completely.

> **Cause of ischemic colitis**

The causes of the disease may be:

* nutritional factors, nutritional disorders; * circulatory disorders in the intestines associated with impaired blood supply; * congenital or acquired anatomical abnormalities of the intestine.

There are also a number of reasons contributing to the occurrence of the disease:

- alcohol and drug abuse; - hyperglycemia, diabetes, hypothyroidism, thyrotoxicosis; - dystrophy, intestinal dysfunction; - some infectious diseases previously suffered;