Collection Choleretic N2

Choleretic collection N2

Choleretic N2 is collected in Russia and Ukraine by such companies as Ivan-chai, Krasnogorskleksredstva, Lek S Firm, Lektravy, Pyatigorsk Pharmaceutical Factory and Health Firm.

This is a collection of medicinal herbs, which includes sandy immortelle flowers, yarrow herb, peppermint leaves and coriander fruits.

Choleretic collection N2 is used for diseases of the biliary tract - cholecystitis, hepatitis, cholangitis, hepatocholecystitis.

The collection is available in the form of bags of 50, 75 and 100 grams.

There is no data on contraindications, side effects, interactions with other drugs and overdose of the choleretic N2 collection.

There are also no special instructions on the use of the fee.


  1. Pronchenko G. E. "Medicinal herbal remedies."