Collodion cotton wool

Cotton wool or Vota Colloidnaya is a product made of gypsum in the form of a thin stick, for the manufacture and production of which bone, cotton or high-quality wood material (Coloxylin - dried cotton cellulose) and natural sulfur are used. When the components are mixed, a paste is formed, which must then be squeezed out well and sent to a plaster machine, where it is pressed into the mold. After drying, the paste acquires a brownish-gray tint and becomes almost indistinguishable from real gum. The features of this material help to avoid complications and also provide convenience in terms of caring for prostheses.

There are several ways to apply a plaster stick to aligners or braces:

* cotton wool. This method is the most common and requires preliminary cleaning of the surface of the staples and caps. It is used in all cases, excluding cement-type gypsum. Dressing is done every other day so as not to dry out the product;

* paste (Colloxide Plus). As a result of manipulations, a product with the consistency of liquid sour cream is obtained. Apply the paste in small portions, first removing excess with a damp cloth. Allow to dry and then remove the stocking or bandage;

* gel (Ovechkin). There are several types of this paste with different substances in their composition. As a rule, these are minerals, herbal extracts or propolis. Used for multi-component fixation of braces or in case of problems in the oral cavity. The application technique is similar to the previous mixture, only you need to take more paste at a time.

The above methods have various ingredients that allow you to select the necessary option in accordance with the individual characteristics of the body and the nature of the attending physician.