
Cine x-ray imaging is an innovative visualization method that combines the advantages of film and x-ray imaging. It is based on the use of a special camera, which allows you to obtain high-quality images of objects without the use of radiation.

Unlike traditional imaging methods such as x-rays or computed tomography, cine radiography does not require a significant investment of time and resources. At the same time, it has high resolution and allows you to create three-dimensional models of objects.

Cine radiography has found wide application in various fields, including medicine, science, industry and technology. For example, in medicine, this method is used to diagnose diseases, study the structures of organs and tissues, and also to monitor the development of tumors.

One of the main advantages of cine radiography is the ability to obtain high-resolution images in real time. This makes it especially useful when working with rapidly changing objects, such as living organisms or real-time processes.

In addition, this method allows you to study objects at different stages of their