Microscopy Light

Light microscopy is a method for studying microstructures and small objects, in which a magnified image is obtained using an optical instrument - a microscope. This method is widely used in various fields of science and technology, including biology, medicine, chemistry, materials science and others.

The operating principle of light microscopy is based on the use of light radiation to create an image of an object. Light passes through the microscope lens and is focused on an object that is on a glass slide. The light is then reflected from the object and hits a photosensitive element - a photographic plate or digital sensor. After processing the image on a computer, you can obtain an enlarged image of the object.

One of the main advantages of light microscopy is its high resolution. This means that a light microscope can study objects in very fine detail, down to individual molecules. In addition, this method allows the study of living objects, such as cells and bacteria, in their natural environment.

However, the light microscope has some limitations. For example, it cannot be used to examine transparent objects such as crystals or glass. It is also not suitable for studying objects that do not reflect light, such as metals or some organic compounds.

In general, light microscopy is an important tool for studying the microworld, which allows you to study objects at various levels of organization. Due to its high resolution, this method is widely used in scientific research, medicine and other fields.

Light microscopy (LMS) is a microscopy method that is based on the use of light to obtain an enlarged image of the object under study. This method is widely used in various fields of science and technology, such as biology, medicine, chemistry, physics and others.

Operating principle of M. s. is based on the fact that light passing through the object of study is scattered and refracted on its surface. A special optical device - a microscope - collects scattered light and directs it to a photosensitive element, where light energy is converted into an electrical signal. The resulting image can be converted into electronic form and then analyzed using special programs.

M. s. has a number of advantages over other microscopy methods. It allows you to obtain very high image magnification, up to tens of thousands of times. In addition, M. s. is a non-contact research method, which avoids damage to the research object.

However, M. s. also has its drawbacks. For example, it requires the use of special optical instruments and photosensitive elements, which can be expensive. In addition, image quality depends on many factors, such as the quality of the microscope, lighting, size and shape of the study object, etc.

In general, M. s. remains one of the most common microscopy techniques due to its simplicity, accuracy and accessibility.

Light microscopy

Light microscopy is a research method based on the use of light to obtain a magnified image of objects. This method is widely used in various fields such as biology, medicine, materials science and others.

How light microscopy works

Light microscopes operate on the basis of the phenomenon of diffraction - the phenomenon of light scattering when passing through small holes on an obstacle. When using light microscopy, a magnified image of an object is obtained by passing light through very thin samples that must be optically transparent. A lamp is used as a light source, and the lens of the microscope is a lens located at some distance from the sample. The object is positioned so that its image is focused on the plane of the lens.

All microscopic studies are divided into three groups of methods - light, electron and atomic force microscopy. They are all based on microscale dimensions and can be divided into qualitative, semi-quantitative and quantitative. These methods make it possible to analyze the atomic structure of materials, the molecular structure of drugs and proteins, the structure of microbial cells, and much more.

**Light microscopy** can be visible (optical), luminescent and polarization. The advantages include the low cost of analyzers and a large number of detectors and ease of management. Main disadvantages: poor temperature stability and signal noise from the detector. Visible (optical) microscopy allows one to examine two-dimensional structures in samples. Due to the use of small point light sources, it is also called coherent or probe microscopy. This includes reverse probe (Brazilian) optical microscopy. It is used in biology, medicine and engineering. The technique is highly accurate, reliable data can be obtained, but the process is labor-intensive. Using the method, it becomes possible to determine the chemical composition of the material; evaluate the mechanical parameters of objects; analyze the states of surfaces and their boundaries. It is important that using the technique it is possible to conduct visual observations of dynamic objects.

Luminescence microscopy - during the coagulation process of an electric discharge, the glow of atoms, molecules, and ions is illuminated. This technological technique is used for light visualization of metabolic processes and various chemical compounds. It allows you to trace the dynamics of the reaction and change the nature of the impulses. By the texture of the glow of biological objects, stress factors and gene pathology can be determined. The method is successfully used to detect microorganisms. The intensity of the glow can be used to judge the physiological state of the experimental animals. Luminescence microscopy is considered the cheapest tool for rapid analysis of the state of the body. Different parts of the light spectrum produce different effects on a living cell. If you choose one that emits certain molecules excited under specific conditions. After some time, it is clear what reactions occur and how the cell will change after irradiation. This method is characterized by ease of implementation and accuracy, and takes little time.