
Colpostat is a medical device that is used to treat diseases of the cervix and vagina. It consists of two parts - a colposcope and an apparatus, which are connected to each other.

A colposcope is a device that allows the doctor to see the cervix and vagina. It is equipped with a camera that transmits the image to the monitor. The doctor can enlarge the image and examine the condition of the cervix in detail.

The colpostat device operates on the basis of electrophoresis. It delivers an electrical current to the cervix, which causes muscle contraction and improves blood supply to the tissue. This helps reduce inflammation and speed up wound healing.

Colpostat is a device that is used in gynecology to treat various diseases of the cervix. It consists of a special structure that is installed around the cervix and provides it with reliable support. The device was invented at the end of the 20th century and was widely used in medicine.

One of the main advantages of colpostat is that it allows women to avoid cervical surgery, which can be dangerous to their health. In addition, colpostat can be used to treat various gynecological diseases, such as cervical erosion, dysplasia, human papillomavirus infection and others.

The device consists of a metal ring that has several holes for