Complement C42

Complement C42 is a complex of the fourth and second complement components, which is formed under the action of activated C1 components. It has enzymatic activity and plays an important role in protecting the body from infections and other diseases.

Complement is a protein system that is involved in protecting the body from various pathogenic microorganisms. Complement consists of several components, each of which performs its own function. Complement C42 is a complex that is formed by the activation of components C1 and C2.

Activated complement C1 causes the formation of the C42 complex, which has enzymatic activity. This complex is capable of breaking down some proteins that can be harmful to the body. For example, it can break down proteins on the surface of bacteria, which leads to their death.

In addition, complement C42 may also be involved in the activation of other complement components. This allows it to more effectively fight infections and other diseases.

However, complement can also be dangerous to the body if its activity gets out of control. Therefore, to prevent possible complications, it is necessary to monitor the level of complement in the blood and monitor its activity.

Introduction: Complements or antigens are proteins that are components of the body's immune system. They are involved in protection against infectious diseases and ensure the proper functioning of immune cells. In this article we will look at such concepts as C42 completants.

Complement C42: This is a complex of four different antibody subcomponents of the IgG class, G1, G2 and G3. It is formed under the influence of activated complement components C1, C2, C3 and C4. Completen C42 has enzymatic activity, which allows it to destroy host cells during infectious diseases.