
Nowadays, many people have a computer at home, and children of any age will be interested in getting to know this amazing machine. Sit with your child in front of the keyboard and let him press some key - first type a line of letters A, then of letters B. Type a few simple words in large print and ask the child to find on the keyboard the letters that make up them. Type his name in different ways: capital letters, bold or italics. Go to a store that sells computers and try to find a program that would be interesting to your child and at the same time help teach him how to use a computer. When a baby just starts playing computer games, it can be difficult for him to coordinate his movements. He is more likely to learn this if he watches older children play. Buy a special program for them that will not only help them learn typing techniques, but will also make this process so exciting that children will happily spend whole days at the keyboard. (The program can also be used by adults.)