Fragrant violet.

Fragrant violet: medicinal properties and uses

Fragrant violet (Viola odorata) is a perennial herbaceous plant of the violet family, which is known for its medicinal properties and is used in both folk and official medicine.

The plant has a short branched rhizome, from which grow long-petioled leaves and fragrant flowers located on long stalks. The leaves are heart-ovate, crenate along the edge. Fragrant violet blooms in early spring, its flowers are purple.

Fragrant violet is widespread in the European part of Russia, the Caucasus and Central Asia. It grows mainly in broad-leaved forests, forest glades, grassy slopes of foothills and mountains, rising to a height of up to 1500 m above sea level. In addition, fragrant violet is cultivated in the Caucasus and Crimea.

Fragrant violet has many medicinal properties due to its rich chemical composition. Rhizomes and flowers contain essential oil, saponins, alkaloids, nitrogen-containing compounds, phenolcarboxylic acids and flavonoids. Saponins, essential oils, heptyl and other acids, triterpenoids, steroids, flavonoids, phenolcarboxylic acids and their derivatives were found in the leaves.

Preparations based on violet fragrant have expectorant, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, diuretic, analgesic, laxative, sedative, choleretic and blood pressure-lowering effects.

The presence of expectorant and anti-inflammatory properties in violet allows it to be used for tuberculosis, inflammation of the bronchi, lungs and pleurisy. The whole plant is used for metabolic disorders, rheumatism, gout, urolithiasis and cholelithiasis.

Violet has a calming effect on headaches, insomnia, nervous attacks and epilepsy. In addition, a decoction of violet rhizomes is used to gargle for sore throats and inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity, and is also used as a prophylactic for the flu.

An infusion of violet leaves is used for cancer of the larynx and tongue, preventing the transition of long-existing ulcers in the gastrointestinal tract into malignant tumors.

Despite the many beneficial properties, the use of Fragrant Violet requires caution and consultation with a doctor. In some cases, if there is an allergic reaction or contraindications, the use of violets can be dangerous. It is also not recommended to use Fragrant Violet in large doses and for a long period of time without a doctor’s prescription.

In general, fragrant violet is a valuable medicinal plant with many beneficial properties. It is widely used in folk and official medicine for the treatment of various diseases and pathological conditions. However, before use, you must consult your doctor and follow the recommendations on dosage and duration of treatment.