
Ratania: description, application and side effects

Ratania (lat. Krameria) is a genus of shrubs of the Krameriaceae family (lat. Krameriaceae), which grows in the Andes, Bolivia and Peru on sandy infertile slopes. Ratania is used medicinally for its tanning properties, which are found in the bark of the root. Ratania root has a pharmaceutical name - Ratanhiae radix (formerly: Radix Ratanhiae), and ratania tincture - Ratanhiae tinctura (formerly: Tmctura Ratanhiae).

The leaves of the plant are small (up to 1 cm in length), pointed-ovate, with yellowish-white pubescence on both sides. The flowers are axillary, with 4 sepals green on the outside and red on the inside. The fruits are prickly.

The collection and preparation of ratania roots occurs from wild plants. They are dug up and dried. The roots of ratania are knobby, large (about the size of a fist), with thick (1-3 cm) lateral roots extending straight or at an angle. The ratania root is odorless and the wood is almost tasteless, but the bark has a strong astringent taste.

The active ingredients of ratania are various tannins, concentrated mainly in the root bark, less so in the wood. The glycosidic tannin in ratania turns into red tannin during storage and becomes water soluble.

Ratania root is a pronounced tanning agent, which is used for inflammation of the mucous membrane of the mouth and throat, for various inflammations of the stomach and intestines, as well as for diarrhea. In medicine, the tincture is used for both external and internal use. It is included in various mouth rinses and is often used in a mixture with myrrh tincture. In addition, ratania is used in homeopathy.

The homeopathic medicine Ratanhia is used both internally and externally, primarily for painful and weeping hemorrhoids and anal fissures, as well as against any inflammation in the oral cavity. For internal use, the product is used in the second and third degrees of dilution (D1-D1); for cauterization, lubrication and rinsing, the original tincture is diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio.

According to most experts, there are no side effects when using ratania. However, the literature describes cases of allergic reactions to ratania, when after lubrication and rinsing, swelling and even nodules appear on the lips and gums. If such symptoms occur, you should immediately stop using ratania and consult a doctor.

In conclusion, it can be noted that ratania is a plant with tanning properties, which is successfully used in medicine for various inflammatory processes in the human body. However, as with any other use of medications, caution and dosage compliance are necessary. If you have any doubts or questions regarding the use of ratania, be sure to consult your doctor or pharmacist.