
Of course, your posture has not yet become “regal,” but several times you caught yourself thinking that you needed to straighten up and immediately pulled up your stomach, straightened your back and raised your head. Gradually, this position will become a habit for you, and you will not need to constantly control yourself. In the meantime, let's check how much better your posture has become. Stand in front of a large mirror, put your head straight, align your shoulders and stay in this position for about a minute. Then close your eyes, do a distraction exercise for your shoulder joints (for example, circular movements), try to regain the correct posture, then open your eyes and check it in the mirror. It doesn’t matter if it didn’t work out today or if it didn’t work out the way you wanted. Do this exercise every free minute, and very soon you will be able to correctly position your head and shoulders without control. It is very important to maintain your posture at all times when standing, walking and sitting. However, it is difficult to keep your back straight and your muscles tense. Therefore, when sitting, lean on the back of a chair or chair with your entire back.

Correct posture is greatly influenced by the position of the head and the flexibility and beauty of the neck. Who among us has not heard the expression “swan neck”, and who does not know how difficult it is to achieve this. Even earlier than on the face, wrinkles appear on the neck, which are called “growth rings”. And if the skin on the neck can be improved with cosmetic care, then only special exercises will help prevent or reduce double and triple chins, remove “growth rings” and make the neck flexible. No amount of care will help you if you don't constantly think about correct posture. Try to keep your head high and look straight ahead. Pull your shoulders back. Not only will this prevent wrinkles and double chins, but you will look taller and slimmer. And your breasts will appear taller. It is equally important to achieve flexibility in the neck, and not just the neck.

With the help of special