Treatment And Prevention Of Herpes

Treatment and prevention of herpes

Herpes is a common viral disease caused by herpes simplex viruses. It is impossible to completely recover from it, since the virus remains in the body for life. However, you can effectively relieve symptoms and prevent exacerbations.

To treat exacerbations of herpes, antiviral drugs are used, in particular acyclovir. It suppresses the reproduction of the virus and accelerates the healing of rashes.

Among folk remedies, a tincture of meadowsweet and calendula flowers is recommended. Cotton swabs are soaked in it and applied to the rash areas, and also taken orally. This reduces inflammation and soreness.

For prevention, it is important to increase immunity and lead a healthy lifestyle. Recommended:

  1. Avoid stress and overwork

  2. Eat a balanced diet

  3. Temper yourself, play sports

  4. To refuse from bad habits

  5. Maintain personal hygiene

  6. Avoid promiscuity

  7. If signs of illness appear, consult a doctor immediately

Timely treatment and prevention will help control the course of herpes and prevent complications.