Len Kulturny

Flax, whose botanical name is Linaceae, is an annual herbaceous plant that is widely used in cultivated crops. It is found on graceful thin stems reaching a height of approximately 50-70 cm. The plant has small lanceolate leaves and sky blue or white flowers, consisting of one apical five-membered flower. The anthers and pistil style are blue. After flowering, a round capsule with 8-10 brown or golden-yellow flat, glossy seeds is formed. Flax blooms from June to August.

Cultivated flax has been cultivated as a cultivated plant since the Stone Age. Its seeds are collected in September during flax threshing and then dried. For medicinal purposes, fully ripened seeds rich in mucilage are used, and cold pressing is used to obtain medicinal oil.

The main active ingredient in flaxseeds is mucilage. This substance determines the use of flaxseed in medicine. The fatty oil contained in flax seeds enhances the effect of mucus. Also found in the seeds is the glycoside linamarin, which releases a small amount of hydrocyanic acid when interacting with enzymes.

Flaxseed is widely used in medicine, especially as a laxative for chronic constipation. Unlike strong laxatives, flaxseed is gentle and does not cause negative effects on the body. It helps to achieve punctual bowel function without the use of other means. Flaxseed swells in the intestines, increasing its volume and stimulating peristalsis.

To obtain maximum effect, flaxseed is taken crushed or coarsely ground, with plenty of liquid. Flaxseed can be mixed with fruit jam or sweetened with honey to enhance its effect. It is recommended to take 2 tablespoons of flaxseed in the morning and evening. The effect of the seed does not appear immediately, so patience is required.

In addition to its laxative effect, flaxseed has other beneficial properties due to its mucus content. Flaxseed tincture has proven itself well as a rinse for gum disease and inflammatory processes in the mouth and throat. It can also be used internally for a sharp cough, hoarse. I apologize for the incomplete message. Here's the continuation:

It can also be used internally for a sharp cough, hoarseness, or inflammation of the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines. Flaxseed has enveloping properties that help soften irritated mucous membranes and reduce inflammation.

In addition, flaxseed is rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids, particularly omega-3 fatty acids, which have anti-inflammatory properties and have positive effects on heart health. Omega-3 fatty acids also play an important role in maintaining healthy skin, hair and nails.

Cultural flax is also widely used in the textile industry. Its fibers are used to produce linen fabric, which is highly durable and absorbent. Linen fabric is widely used for the production of clothing, bed linen and other textile products.

In conclusion, flax is a useful plant that is used as a food product, medicine and raw material for the textile industry. Its seeds have laxative properties and have a positive effect on the digestive system. Flaxseed oil and fiber also have their own benefits and are used in various fields.