Concretion, Stone (Calculus, Pl. Calculi)

Concrete and stone are two different concepts associated with the formation of solid masses in the human body. A stone is a hard mass that forms in the gallbladder or urinary tract, and a calculus is a calcified deposit on the surface of the teeth.

Stones that form in the urinary tract can cause severe pain and lead to infectious complications. Most of these stones are formed from calcium oxalate salts and appear on radiographs. Treatment for stones in the urinary tract may include lithotripsy or litholapaxy, which help prevent blockages and infections in the urinary tract.

Calculus, on the other hand, is a calcified deposit on the surface of teeth that can lead to the development of gingivitis. Supragingival calculus forms above the gums, while subgingival calculus forms below the prominence of the gums. Tartar interferes with teeth cleaning and can contribute to the development of oral diseases.

Even though calculus and stone form in different parts of the body, both are problems that need to be addressed. Therefore, it is important to monitor your health and undergo regular medical examinations to avoid possible problems with the formation of solid masses in the body.

Concrete and stone are solid masses formed in different parts of the human body. Stones can form in the gallbladder or urinary tract, or on the surface of teeth.

Stones in the urinary tract are usually formed from salts such as calcium oxalate and can cause severe pain as they pass through the ducts. Surgical removal of stones may be necessary to prevent urinary tract blockage and infection.

Tartar forms on the surface of teeth and can lead to the development of gingivitis if not removed regularly. Supragingival tartar forms above the gums, and subgingival tartar forms below the protrusion of the gums.

A calculus can also refer to calcified deposits in the tissues of the body, which can lead to various diseases such as atherosclerosis and calcification.

Calculus (from Latin calculus - stone) is a mathematical theory associated with the study of changes in quantities and their limits. Calculus includes differential and integral calculus, which are widely used in science and engineering to solve various problems, such as determining the rate of change of a function or calculating the area under a curve.

In general, calculus and stone are hard masses that form in different parts of the human body and can lead to various diseases and problems. However, calculus is a mathematical theory that has wide application in science and technology.

Concretions, or stones, are hard formations that can form inside the human body. They can be formed from various materials such as calcium, calcium oxalate, magnesium and others. Stones can be located in different parts of the body and cause different symptoms.

Stones formed in the gallbladder or urinary organs are usually stones made from calcium salts. Gallstones can cause colicky pain, and stones in the urinary system can cause blocked ducts and infections. If the stones are not surgically removed or broken up, they can block the ducts and cause problems with urination or emptying the gallbladder. In cases where stones are found in the kidneys or bile ducts, their removal may be necessary if necessary.

Dental calculi can be caused by the presence of calcium in the tissues of the tooth. Supra- and subgingival tartar occurs due to the deposition of food particles and microorganisms on dental surfaces. These stones can lead to destruction of tooth tissue and cause gingivitis, gum infection, etc. To remove tartar, you need to see a dentist and undergo a dental hygiene procedure.