Epithelioma With Double Metaplasia

Epitheliomas are tumors of epithelial tissues that can be either benign or malignant. One type of epithelioma is double metaplasia epithelioma, which is a rarer and more aggressive type of tumor. In this article we will look at the main characteristics of this tumor and its treatment methods.

Epithelioma is a malignant tumor belonging to malignant connective tissue tumors. They are most often formed from skin keratinocytes.

It is rare, with the exception of squamous cell adenoma of the large sebaceous glands. Most cases occur in the epidermis. It is typically confined to areas of the skin with excessive melanosis, scars, and coarse hair. Occurs in young and old age. The following areas of the skin are most often affected: the torso (especially the back), external genitalia, arms, lower jaw, red border of the lips, chin. Distribution on the back in the form of an irregularly shaped mole 20-30 cm in diameter. On the face and limbs they are often small, in the form of a scar or nipple, around the hair follicles. Flat epithelioma is capable of invasion into the dermis and subcutaneous tissue. Melanized cells are also detected; the latter are usually detected during tumor eradication using the electrosurgical method and are often present before this. The growth of fibroplastic and nodular neoplastic forms is complicated. The course is long, malignancy is possible, which often occurs only at the age of over 50 years after a long existence of benign