Visibility Score

The visibility indicator is a relative value that indicates the ratio of homogeneous indicators calculated for different groups or time periods. It is used in life sciences and other fields where it is necessary to compare different data.

A visibility score is calculated by comparing two or more indicators that can be measured in different units. One of the indicators is taken as 100 or 1000, depending on which unit of measurement is used. The relationship between the two indicators is then expressed as a percentage or fraction.

For example, if we have data on the number of patients who received treatment in different clinics and we want to compare their effectiveness, we can use a visibility indicator. We can take the number of patients treated at the first clinic as 100%, and then calculate the ratio of the number of patients treated at the second clinic to the number of patients treated at the first clinic.

Thus, the visibility index is an important tool for analyzing data and comparing the results of different studies. It allows you to quickly and clearly evaluate changes in indicators, which can help you make decisions and develop strategies.

A visibility index is a relative value that indicates the ratio of values ​​for two different groups or different time periods. It is used to analyze biomedical information and allows you to compare results obtained in different studies.

The visibility coefficient (KN) is calculated by dividing one indicator by another and multiplying the result by the corresponding number: KN = A / B x 10 (where A is the indicator in the denominator, B is the indicator in the numerator).

It is possible to use a number different from 10 in one of the parts of the indicator, for example, both in the numerator and in the denominator: KN = (V / A) x 2