Orifice of the Ureter

The urethra is the opening to the external opening of the bladder. In men it is located in the head of the penis or foreskin, in women it is usually between the lips of the external opening of the vagina (at the level of the vestibule). At the exit from the bladder in the urethra (anus), there are two sphincters - internal and external. The internal one, about 5 mm long, closes the exit from the bladder and is involved in voluntary defecation and urination. The internal sphincter consists of the detrusor muscle, the striated muscle, and the circular layer of smooth muscle fibers. The circular layer provides tone and peristalsis of the entire wall of the bladder through a continuous change of contraction and relaxation of the circular fibers; at the same time, the bladder cavity fills with urine or is emptied. The external sphincter serves as a barrier to the reverse flow of urine during contractions of the internal sphincter.

In the wall of the human reproductive apparatus there are a number of organs, the anatomical and functional features of which significantly determine the mechanism and quality of the patient’s sexual life. The male genital organs form a pair of gonads - the testicles, which are contractile testicular capsules - the sacs - the scrotum. The external genital organs include the male urethra - the urethra, the male genital organs - the testicle and the penis with appendages (holes through which not only urine, but also sperm exits). In women, the internal genital organs consist of the ovaries, the uterus with the fallopian tube, the vagina, the female urethra - the urethra and the female genital organs - the clitoris and labia majora. The external female genitalia include the labia minora and the large external genital glands. Female internal and external genitalia are formed as a result of a complex combination of anatomical, biochemical and hormonal regulation factors - the action of sex hormones (female estrogens and male androgens).

Thus, the orifices of the ureters are an integral part of the human urinary system. If for some reason the mouth is pinched, a number of problems arise that can become serious difficulties for the body and even lead to death. In this article we will talk about how to avoid such problems through prevention and treatment.

Causes of blockage