Confabulations Retrospective

Confabulation refers to the fabrication of past events and circumstances that did not occur in real life. Most often, confabulating patients do not realize their falsity and may even consider them to be a reflection of reality.

Confabulators come in two broad categories. Those who have partial memory loss or have unnatural memories are called "reconstructing" confabulators. They already have a partial loss of the ability to distinguish between events that happened in the past, present and future. Other confabulators are people with healthy memories and are able to retain memories of events throughout the day. They have a natural ability to reconstruct events

Confabulation is a type of psychopathological disorder of consciousness, which is characterized by distortion of memories of significant facts of the past. In our consciousness, the past and its assessment are used as the initial model, but the existing connection between the conscious and unconscious leads to the fact that new facts and important aspects of the original experience are not realized.

Confabulation is a symptom of a mental disorder that affects people at any age, although it most often occurs in middle-aged people. The main causes are various diseases of the central nervous system or the consequences of head injuries.

One of the varieties is retrospective confabulation. This manifests itself in the fact that people unreasonably begin to attach new meaning to events in the past that they experienced, when in fact the events had nothing to do with that person.