
Coordinax: an effective antiemetic from Belgium

Coordinax (international name - cisapride) is an antiemetic drug produced by the pharmaceutical company Janssen Pharmaceuticals N.V. in Belgium. It is used to treat various conditions associated with gastrointestinal disorders. Coordinax is available in various strength tablets (5 mg and 10 mg) and oral suspension (1 mg/ml).

The main active ingredient of the drug is cisapride. It has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the digestive system and helps cope with problems such as gastroesophageal reflux, gastroparesis, constipation, anorexia, distal intestinal obstruction syndrome, postprandial dyspepsia, gallbladder hypokinesia and regurgitation in newborns.

When using Coordinax, contraindications must be taken into account. The drug is not recommended for use in case of hypersensitivity to its components, gastrointestinal bleeding, mechanical intestinal obstruction, perforation of the intestine or stomach, pregnancy, breastfeeding and in childhood.

Side effects may occur when using Coordinax. These include dizziness, convulsions, extrapyramidal disorders, drowsiness, migraine, tremor, cardiac arrhythmia, xerostomia, pharyngitis, nausea, vomiting, dehydration, hepatitis, increased concentrations of liver enzymes in the blood, myalgia, edema, thrombocytopenia, leukopenia, granulocytopenia, aplastic anemia and allergic reactions.

Coordinax may also interact with other drugs. For example, anticholinesterase drugs and m-cholinomimetics may enhance its effect, and cimetidine may accelerate its absorption. Inhibitors of the 3A4 isoenzyme of the cytochrome P450 system may increase plasma concentrations of Coordinax and increase the risk of developing fatal arrhythmias.

In case of an overdose of Coordinax, various symptoms may occur, such as ptosis, tremor, dyspnea, loss of the righting reflex, catalepsy, catatonia, hypotension, diarrhea and generalized convulsions. In such cases, gastric lavage, administration of adsorbents (for example, activated carbon) and symptomatic treatment are recommended.

It is important to remember that the information provided here is general and does not replace consultation with your doctor or pharmacist. Before starting to take Coordinax or any other drug, you should consult a medical specialist and carefully read the instructions for use.