Cornea Oval

The cornea is the transparent outer layer of the eye that is essential for light to pass through and create clear vision. Ovality of the cornea occurs when the outer surface of the eye is not perfectly round, but is slightly elongated in one direction. This phenomenon, known as corneal saddle or corneal saddle protrusion, can lead to various eye conditions, including astigmatism and presbyopia. Let's take a closer look at what an oval cornea is and how it affects the quality of vision.

Oval cornea - features

Ovality of the cornea usually manifests itself through a change in its curvature, which can be either axial or eccentric. Axial flattening of the cornea is the most common type of oval cornea. It occurs due to the fact that one of the surfaces of the cornea becomes more convex than the other. In this case, the oval of the cornea has different sizes: from small deviations to significant changes in the curvature of the cornea, reaching several millimeters. Exocular cornea occurs as a result of the fact that transverse deformation of the longitudinal axis of the cornea leads to a pronounced displacement of the vertical axis of the eye to one side. Examination cornea is often found in people with light eyes, especially among heterochromes. Changes that occur in the cornea due to ovality can lead to optical changes in the eye and affect its ability to focus on objects correctly. These changes can cause decreased vision and even lead to other eye problems. Corneal abnormalities can be associated with both congenital defects and changes in the health of the eye, such as keratoconus or pseudoexudates. However, in most cases, corneal ovality is asymptomatic. In such cases, it is often discovered only when examined by a doctor. If you have symptoms that may indicate an oval cornea, you may have difficulty wearing contact lenses or using glasses. If a corneal deviation causes noticeable distortion of vision, treatment may be needed to improve symptoms. Treatment for oval cornea

You can see a doctor at a medical facility to determine the severity of your corneal ovality and develop the best treatment plan. Your doctor may suggest medication to reduce the deformity, such as special eye drops containing hyaluronic acid. The doctor will also conduct a diagnosis using an MRI scan or computed tomography to determine the degree of corneal deformation. In cases of moderate ovality of the eyes, drug therapy and exercises to relax the eyes may be prescribed. However, if the oval corneal deformity is too severe, surgery will be required to correct the corneal deviation. There are several methods used to correct corneal ovality.

How to avoid oval corneal deformation?

If you have a family history of corneal saddle protrusion, then there is a risk of passing this condition on in the future. To reduce the chance of passing on oval corneas to children, it is recommended to undergo a complete examination to ensure that the eye shape is correct. This may help reduce the likelihood of passing on oval corneal deformities to children. Regular visits to an ophthalmologist are recommended for all adults, especially those who