
Lichenization in medicine is the process of formation of sclerotic plaques and lichens. Lichenia is a symptom characterized by a change in the structure of the stratum corneum of the epidermis, on which white, yellow or gray spots form. The pathology is characterized by the formation of plaques or lines with a relief pattern. If lichen occurs without the formation of lichen, they speak of lichenoid hyperkeratosis. It causes rashes to appear on the skin. The main signs of the disease are changes in the skin, areas of peeling and peeling of the surface layers of the epithelium.

Lichenification can occur as a result of many reasons: - heredity; - autoimmune and genetic disorders in the body; - changes in metabolism in the cellular structure; - mechanical damage to the skin; - thermal or chemical effects.

Depending on the type of skin lesion, different areas of the body are affected by lichenification: the back, chest, forearm and lower abdomen, but in some cases it can affect the entire surface of the skin. So