Corpus cavernosum of the penis

Corpus cavernosum of the penis: structure and functions

The corpus cavernosum of the penis is one of the main structures that provide erection in men. It consists of two paired cavities, called corpora cavernosa, located along the upper surface of the penis.

Each body consists of many cavities filled with blood. Inside the corpus cavernosum there are thin walls, vascular valves and smooth muscle tissue. When a man becomes aroused, nerve impulses entering the corpus cavernosum cause relaxation of smooth muscle tissue and dilation of the arteries entering the body of the penis. This leads to an increase in blood flow in the corpus cavernosum and filling its cavities with blood, which leads to an erection.

In addition, the corpus cavernosum plays an important role in orgasm. During orgasm, muscle contractions caused by sexual arousal cause the corpus cavernosum to contract and sperm to be expelled from the urogenital canal.

Pathologies of the corpus cavernosum can lead to a variety of erection problems, including erectile dysfunction. This can be caused by various reasons such as diabetes, atherosclerosis, nerve damage, and psychological problems.

In some cases, to treat erectile dysfunction, surgery may be required, including corpus cavernosum replacement. Prostheses can be inflatable or rigid, and provide sufficient rigidity to the penis for full sexual intercourse.

In conclusion, the corpus cavernosum of the penis plays an important role in male sexual function. Its structure and functions allow men to achieve erection and orgasm. If you experience erection problems, seeing a doctor can help determine the cause and find the most effective treatment.

The corpus cavernosum (CCP) is the most important part of the male reproductive system. It ensures the hardness and erection of the penis during sexual arousal, necessary for successful sexual activity. Although the penis is mostly made of soft tissue, it has several layers that form a cavity known as the cavernous space, or corpus cavernosum.

The corpus cavernosum of the penis consists of two cylindrical bodies (cavities): proximal and distal. It is located between the head and