Corticospinal Pathway Anterior

Corticospinal Tract Anterior

The anterior corticospinal tract is a complex neural tract that connects the cortex (the area of ​​the brain responsible for higher functions) and the spinal cord. It plays an important role in controlling movements and controlling muscle contractions.

Thanks to this pathway, the cerebral cortex is able to control and control muscle movements and other physiological functions. At the same time, it acts in conjunction with the posterior corticospinal pathway, which transmits impulses from the cortex to the lower motor neurons and forms reciprocal connections. Reciprocal connections allow coordination of both involuntary and voluntary movements

The corticospinal tract, or Govers' tract, is a conductor in the human central nervous system that connects the motor parts of the cerebral cortex and the anterior horns of the spinal cord. It plays an important role in providing control over movements and coordination of the muscles of the upper limb.
