Courvoisier Syndrome

*Courvoisier_syndrome, what is it?*

***Courvoisier syndrome*** is a group of symptoms that can appear in a person during the development of **alcohol addiction**. Occurs in people with an unstable nervous system, who, in the process of daily alcohol consumption, gradually lose self-control, lose moral standards and guidelines, as well as a constant increased desire to drink alcohol. It is characterized by such signs as psychological discomfort in society, excessive emotional background, decreased concentration, fatigue, internal experiences, unrest, aggressiveness, anxiety and others. The disease often leads to a significant deterioration in health and worsening social degradation of an alcohol-dependent person.

Like all cases of addiction, the causes of *Courvoisier syndrome are alcoholism.* It is this factor that is the main source of danger for a person diagnosed with this syndrome. And